College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) gives examinees the opportunity to receive college credit for what they already know by earning university-designated minimum scores. Please refer to Texas A&M University-Texarkana Catalog (Academic Policy) for a list of CLEP exams administered, the minimum score requirements and the maximum SCH. Anyone who wishes to take a CLEP test is welcome to register to take test(s) at the Testing Center.  For specific test descriptions, refer to the College Board web site. Start studying. Get a college textbook or check out the study guide in the Success Center, and review sample questions.  For additional information click Information for Test-Takers.
  • 90 minutes exams except for English Composition - 120 minutes.
  • With the exception of English Composition with Essay, exams are composed primarily of multiple-choice questions. Some mathematics exams include fill-in type questions.
  • Unofficial Score reports are available immediately upon completion of the exam.

The Testing Center strongly recommends that A&M-Texarkana students discuss any potential CLEP examinations with their A&M-Texarkana assigned advisor and the Office of the Registrar prior to testing to ensure that the satisfactory completion of the CLEP exam(s) will provide the examinee with appropriate, degree-required credits.  This applies to anyone that plans to take the CLEP examinations.

Students Scheduling Appointments

  • $95.00 - all CLEP exam payments must be made Online through the My Account Portal. Also, you can register by clicking CLEP Exams, select your preferred exam(s), Add To Cart and Register and Check Out, which directs you to My Account Portal. Registering for an exam provides you with a payment receipt and a Ticket (Voucher) ID #, which MUST be provided when scheduling your appointment.  Click on How to Register for CLEP for additional information. 
  • $20.00 - Administrative Fee.  Fee may be Paid Online by clicking Pay Online and clicking appropriate icon, Personal Check or Money Order made payable to TAMUT or A&M-Texarkana.  Fee nonrefundable.
  • $5.00 - assessed upon your 2nd reschedule request.

Schedule CLEP Exam

Visit CLEP Remote Proctoring for additional information and requirements. Texas A&M University-Texarkana is not a Fully Funded Testing Center.

Please Note: CLEP exams are funded by the U.S. government through Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) for eligible military examinees. Please visit CLEP for Military Personnel on the College Board website for more information. Some veterans are also eligible for CLEP benefits. Please visit CLEP for Veterans on the College Board website for more information.   If you test on a military base at a college test center sponsored by a nearby military base, or at a test center marked as Fully Funded you will not be charged an administrative fee. If the test center of your choice is not sponsored by a local military base or is not Fully Funded, you will be responsible for paying the administrative fee to the test center. If you are unsure whether the test center charges an administrative fee, contact the test center directly and let the test center administrator know that your exam fee is funded by DANTES. To find out whether the test center is Fully Funded, go to Test Center Search and look for "Fully Funded - Yes" along side the contact information for test center. For more information, please visit the CLEP for Military page.

Requirements and Other Information

Identification Requirements

Examinees must present an acceptable form of identification such as your driver’s license, passport or other government-issued identification that includes your photograph and signature. You will be asked to show this identification to be admitted to the testing area. The last name on your ID must match the name on your registration ticket.

The ID you bring must meet the following criteria:

  • Be government-issued.
  • Be an original document — photocopied documents are not acceptable.
  • Be valid and current — expired documents (bearing expiration dates that have passed) are not acceptable, no matter how recently they may have expired.
  • Bear the test-taker's full name, in English language characters, exactly as it appears on the Registration Ticket, including the order of the names.
  • Middle initials are optional and only need to match the first letter of the middle name when present on both the ticket and the identification.
  • Bear a recent recognizable photograph that clearly matches the test-taker.
  • Include the test-takers signature.
  • Be in good condition, with clearly legible text and a clearly visible photograph.
  • Military test-takers, bring your military ID.
  • Home-school students and high school students, if you do not have the required government-issued ID, please complete a Student ID Form, which is valid for one year. The form must be accompanied by a recognizable photo, with a school or notary seal overlapping the photo.  The form must be signed in front of a school official or notary. If you fail to present appropriate ID, you will not be tested.

Examples of other types of acceptable ID include:

  • Government-issued passport with name, photograph and signature.
  • Driver’s license with name, photograph and signature.
  • State or Province ID issued by the motor vehicle agency with name, photograph and signature.
  • Military ID with name, photograph and electronic signature.
  • National ID with name, photograph and signature.
  • Tribal ID card with name, photograph and signature.
  • A naturalization card or certificate of citizenship with name, photograph and signature.
  • A Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) with name, photograph and signature.

The Testing Center will NOT admit any student who does not meet the I.D. requirement.

Retest Information

The CLEP program has a long-standing policy that an exam may not be retaken within a 3-month period. The CLEP program will not release scores for an examination of the same title taken within the 3-month period after the initial administration under any circumstance. This is an effort to serve both candidates and institutions by ensuring that examination scores for these―retests are valid. If a candidate retakes the examination within the 3-month period, the administration will be considered invalid, the score will be cancelled and fees will be forfeited.

DANTES-funded military examinees: DANTES does not fund retesting on previously funded CLEP exams. However, service members may personally fund a retest after waiting three months.

Please visit “Retest Policy” on the College Board CLEP website for more information.

Permissible Test Aids

Examinees may bring their own non-mechanical pencils; however, scratch paper and pencils will be provided by the Testing Center. A built-in, online calculator is available for some sections of some CLEP exams. Please visit “Learn about CLEP Exams” on the College Board CLEP website for more calculator information.

Prohibited Items

The following items are prohibited in the Testing Center: calculators (a calculator function is built into the software for some exams), cell phones/pagers, beepers, walkie-talkies, PDAs, wireless communication devices (e.g. BlackBerries and Blue Tooth ear buds), digital watches, alarm watches, wristwatch cameras, any kind of photographic or copying device, listening devices such as radios, media players with head phones or recorders, dictionaries, books, pamphlets, reference materials, papers other than the scratch paper provided by the Testing Center, mechanical pencils, pens, highlighters, slide rules, protractors, compasses, rulers, food, beverages, tobacco products, hats (unless worn for religious requirement), hoodies, and any other unauthorized testing aids. 

Results / Score Reports / Transcripts

Examinees will receive a preliminary score report instantly upon completion of the exam. A score report will not be mailed to your address. For CLEP exams that require essay scoring, please refer to "Grading Exams" on the College Board CLEP website.

  • Official transcripts are sent to the college or university that examinees select on test day.
  • College Board maintains CLEP transcripts for a period of 20 years. To request additional transcripts, please contact College Board.

Please visit “Scores & Transcripts” on the College Board CLEP website for more information.


The Testing Center has a limited number of seats available for testing. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please contact the Testing Center as soon as possible so your reserved seat can be made available for other examinees.


If you have a learning or physical disability that would prevent you from taking a CLEP exam under standard conditions, you may request accommodations at your preferred test center. Contact your preferred test center well in advance of the test date (two weeks) to make the necessary arrangements and to find out its deadline for submission of documentation for approval of accommodations. Accommodations that can be arranged directly with test centers include:

  • ZoomText (screen magnification)
  • Modifiable screen colors
  • Use of a reader, an amanuensis, or a sign language interpreter
  • Extended time
  • Untimed rest breaks

If the above accommodations do not meet your needs, contact CLEP Services for information about other nonstandard options at clep@info.collegeboard.orgor at 800-257-9558, before you register through My Account.  All accommodation requests must be made prior to testing.

Contact the Testing Center

Testing Center
Hours of Operation | M-Th 9:00am to 4:30pm
University Center 325
Phone: (903) 223-3072 | Fax: (903) 223-3184
ADA Accommodations
Disabilities Office
Accommodations MUST be in place two (2) weeks prior to scheduled appointment.
(903) 223-3062