Exam Instructions for Faculty

Cameras & Mic Operable in Testing Center

Exam Instructions for Faculty

The Testing Center offers make-up exams to students who miss a classroom exam due to an excused absence approved by the course instructor.  This service offers greater flexibility for students when a make-up becomes necessary.  This service can only be used when a need exists for the student to test at an alternate time (make-up). The Testing Center is NOT available for entire class testing due to limited spacing. Please understand that the Testing Center should not serve as a substitute for in-class testing.  Therefore, entire traditional "face-to-face" or "on-line" classes cannot be accommodated. Please make other arrangements.
The Testing Center utilizes RegisterBlast Professor Portal, which allows Texas A&M University-Texarkana professors to submit their exams directly to the student registration portal, which is designed to simplify the process of submitting materials to the Testing Center.

The below Test Scoring and Report Request Form for scanning/scoring exams is still required for scoring exams because the Scantron Key and Completed Student Scantrons are required to scan.

Students Scheduling Appointments

Students are required to schedule their appointment online via the new online method (RegisterBlast).  24-hours notice is required.  No walk-ins.  For course exams/quizzes at A&M-Texarkana if the date/time is unavailable, please select the next available date/time (e.g., if you advise students to register for your exam prior to submitting exam, the NEXT SENTENCE is necessary for scheduling an appointment.).  ***IMPORTANT (PLEASE READ) -- If the professor’s name and/or exam isn’t visible, please select CASE or CBET and select/schedule accordingly.  Click below to schedule an appointment.

  • Students MUST communicate with instructor PRIOR to scheduling their appointment and obtain permission to test in the Testing Center.  This ensures the exam is available per the scheduled test date
  • Tests will be scheduled allowing enough time for completion prior to the test center's scheduled closing time.  Seating must occur 1 hour prior to closing or time allowance indicated.
  • Due to limited seating, students are required to arrive at least 5 minutes prior to scheduled appointment in order to afford the entire time allotted for testing.
  • Tests will be scheduled allowing enough time for completion prior to the test center's scheduled closing time.  Seating must occur 1 hour prior to closing or time allowance indicated.
  • Students should contact their course instructor for exam dates and deadlines not the Testing Center.

Schedule Exam

Pick-up of Exam Materials

  • The advantage of the RegisterBlast Professor Portal is the instructor can access and view students who have or haven't tested. 
  • Completed exams can be scanned and emailed along with scoring reports within 48 hours during hours of operation.  
  • Exam material will only be released to the instructor, college secretary or teaching assistant; and requires signature prior to releasing.

Instructors will be contacted to pick-up exams/scantrons that are remaining at the end of the semester.  If the Testing Center isn't provided additional information regarding exams/scantrons, the Testing Center will shred.

ADA Accommodations

Students with disabilities can contact the Disabilities Office at (903) 223-3062 or email Accommodations MUST be in place two (2) weeks prior to scheduled appointment.

Contact the Testing Center

Testing Center
Hours of Operation (Fall/Spring) | M, W, F - 9:00am to 5:30pm | T, Th - 10:00am to 7:00pm
University Center 325
Phone: (903) 223-3072 | Fax: (903) 223-3184
ADA Accommodations
Disabilities Office
Accommodations MUST be in place two (2) weeks prior to scheduled appointment.
(903) 223-3062